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1300-1330: Opening Ceremony

Venue: Football Field

ARK's official kick-off ceremony. The Green and White Day commences as our Guest-of-Honour, Principal, and President gather together to give welcoming speeches.

1330-1345: Grand Opening of Innovation Hub and Faculty Hub

Venue: Football field

After years of planning and effort put into Vision 22, the project's first stage was completed in the school year. The ceremony signifies not only the launch of the new facilities for teachers and students, but also a reveal of how Josephians are educated in a state-of-the-art fashion.

1345-1415: Speech Performance

Venue: New Hall

Every year, numerous multilingual Josphians capture awards in the Speech festivals. For their morphological talents to be recognized, they are invited to perform their prize-winning pieces.

1415-1435: Drama Performance

Venue: New Hall

Josephian excel in acting. Our Drama Club will perform a tailor-made drama to have their talents shining on stage.

1435-1520: Principal’s Message 校長報喜

Venue: New Hall

SJCPTA proudly presents the “Principal’s Message” in celebration of SJC 147th Anniversary Open Day and
Achievements. In this fundraising event, our guests can watch our respected Principal, Ms. Wong Yuen Fan, performing on stage how to make super rich homemade XO sauce. An autograph session will be held immediately after Ms. Wong’s stage performance to offer our donors (who make a contribution at a certain level) a small gift as a token of appreciation. Donations received through this event will be used to support school improvement activities.

1520-1600: Music Performance

Venue: New Hall

Many Josephians are extremely talented in music. Our Chamber Boys' Choir and Orchestra, along many more musical group, are performing on the stage with riveting music plays.

1600-1650: Junior Committee Programme

Venue: New Hall

Our teachers may look very serious during lessons, but they are actually filled with a sense of humour. Presented by our Junior Committee members, the programme features teachers engaging in a series of challenging and compelling minigames. The games are to prove their intelligence and responsiveness - we welcome you to witness the battle amongst our teachers.

1650-1825: Talk Show with Departing Teachers

Venue: Football Field

Have you ever desired to listen to teachers' small stories and secrets? If so, don't miss out on this talk show which involves authentic thoughts and experiences shared by teachers soon departing from our school. Your presence might influence what the teachers are going to disclose at the show, so sit back and relax by then! Do treasure the talk show as it might be the last chance you are going to meet these teachers in campus. 

1825-1915: Teachers' Performances

Venue: Football Field

Our teachers are hidden intellectuals who can perform exceptionally - they master singing and dancing very well. Do not hesitate and cheer for them if you wish to witness the spectacular rise of skilled performers.

1915-1945: Closing Ceremony

Venue: Football Field

The emotional closing ceremony represents the temporary termination of ARK. Join us to close the curtains and discover our future expeditions.

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