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Obelisk, tapered monolithic pillar with hieroglyphic inscriptions, said to be a petrified ray of the Sun.


Amongst the sandy dunes, in the faraway land of myth and wonder, there stand monuments millenia of age. Tall and pyramid-tipped, emanating an irresistible gravitas, these landmarks - throughout ages and nations - are revered as passersby gawk in wonder.


Though the currents of time may wash away empires of old, obelisks remain, steadfast and unwavering, symbolizing eternal commitment to a cause as venerable as they. As they withstand the test of time, so has SJC. Its rich history, deeply intertwined with our city and nation, has challenged yet galvanized it, only strengthening its resolve to inspire greatness and serve society. We are proud to present the theme for the 150th Anniversary Green and White Grand Open Day - Obelisk.


As our alma mater reaches the 150th anniversary, SJC is, more than ever, a shining beacon of solace and eminence. SJC stands tall as an obelisk,  turning eyes and impressing minds. As we step into a new era, with the backing of Josephians of all ages and walks of life, SJC will no doubt brave all changes and continue to be preeminent, as it was, as it is, as it will be.



Venue: St. Joseph's College, 7 & 26 Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, HK

Admission: 09:45-20:10




10:00 - 10:45 | Opening Ceremony of the 150th Green and White Day​

Obelisk’s official kick-off ceremony. The Green and White Day commences as our Guest-of-Honour, Principal, and the President of the Students' Union give their respective welcoming speeches.

11:00 - 11:30 | Speech Performance​

We are delighted to have spectacular speech performances from awardees of the Speech Festival. These articulate individuals have dedicated significant effort to practice and prepare for their competitions across various genres, including Chinese, Putonghua, and English, achieving remarkable results. This programme will provide an excellent opportunity for them to showcase their competent elocution to the public.

11:30 - 12:00 | INTERMISSION


12:00 - 13:40 | Music Performance

Our music boys are renowned for perfect discipline, exceptional musicality and enthusiastic participation in a wide range of contests. They are therefore proud to exhibit their impressive skills in playing different instruments.


13:40 - 14:45 | Chinese Debate Competition with teachers 

Students from the Chinese Debate Team and teachers will divide in opinion and demonstrate clashes of views over hot issues on stage. 

Don’t miss out on this prime time to witness the exciting match!

14:45 - 18:50 | Internal Talent Quest (ITQ) Semi-Finals Performance

After a challenging heat round, outstanding participants have advanced to the semi-finals of the ITQ. With a broad spectrum of talents, the contestants will keep you on the edge of your seat with delivery in their own style. Five teams of guest performers have also been invited to the stage. Make sure you look for the best place around the campus to enjoy the show!​


18:50 - 19:30 | Teachers’ Performance

Do you know that teachers in SJC have another side beyond the classrooms? Many of them indeed possess extraordinary flairs in singing. The stage of the Green and White Day will be handed over to them to exploit this golden chance to amaze and amuse our evening visitors.

19:30 - 20:00 | Closing Ceremony

To conclude our grand Green and White Day, our Executive Committee members will recollect their tenure of service and share their feelings as Josephians with a closing speech. We wish to introduce our spirit of Green and White to our guests and pass it on to our fellow schoolmates. Do stay with us till the end of the programme!



Stay Tuned





DIAMOND sponsors


Mr Paul Shieh, SC (Class of 1982)

EMERALD sponsors



PLATINUM sponsors

Great Eagle Group Logo.jpg

Dr. Frank Fang and Mr. Sean Fang

The Hon Ronald Arculli, GBM, GBS, JP

GOLD sponsors

Prof. Dennis Lo

Dr. Tsao Yen Chow

Mr. Kwan Chak Philip Chow

Mr. Brian Lam

A d d r e s s

T e l e p h o n e


7 & 26 Kennedy Road, Central, Hong Kong


+852 3652 4790

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